
Richard Lee has worked in journalism, government and academia. He teaches journalism at St. Bonaventure University in New York State and serves as executive director of the Jandoli Institute, a research center he established at the university in 2019.

As a journalist, Rich held a variety of jobs ranging from political reporter to rock music critic. In government, he served in several communications positions, including Deputy Director of Communications for the Governor in New Jersey.

In addition to St. Bonaventure, Rich has taught at Rutgers University and Mercer County Community College, both in New Jersey. In the summer of 2010, he served as a visiting professor at John Cabot University in Rome. Since 2017, he has taught a graduate public relations seminar in St. Bonaventure’s summer program at Oxford University’s Trinity College in Great Britain.

Rich holds a B.A. in English from Saint Bonaventure, an M.A. in Public Media Arts from Montclair State University and a Ph.D. in Media Studies from Rutgers University. He is a graduate of St. Benedict’s Prep in Newark, N.J.

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